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Performance, benevolence, and openness are at the heart of LISEA’s corporate vision. Such are the values which also apply to our commitment to a better quality of working life to foster our collaborators’ well-being. With this aim in mind, these values have been placed at the company’s core, notably by creating a matching professional environment.

Three agreements supporting well-being in the workplace.

Some of the recent highlights of our company life have been the signature of three agreements supporting the improvement of well-being in the workplace. First, an incentive agreement, aiming at a greater recognition of each collaborator’s impact in our collective performance by associating them directly to the company’s results. Then came the establishment of a Social and Economic Committee, with the use of electronic voting in the holding of the elections. An agreement promoting the quality of working life and focusing on gender equality at work, the struggle against all forms of discrimination, maintaining senior and disabled staff members in employment or even a smoother transition between private and professional life.

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PHILIPPE JAUSSERAND Deputy Chief Executive Officer

A long-term cooperative approach undertaken by the company which puts employee-driven innovation and team spirit at the heart of our practices, and which stands out thanks to company pride and commitment shared daily with all our employees.